
Military homecomings can be an overwhelming and highly emotionally charged experience.  For the families waiting to welcome their loved ones home, the anticipation, anxiety, and excitement . . . all melded into one can often times be very stressful.  This stress is especially high for the moms, as they try to keep their own excitement at bay, all the while trying their best to keep the children calm and entertained.  

At Homefront America, our volunteers AKA: "Huggers" understand the emotional roller coaster families endure at homecomings.  Hence, Project Hugs was launched.  The objective of Project Hugs is to make the homecoming experience less stressful, and more enjoyable for the families. 

Our "Huggers" do this by providing food and snacks for the families while they anxiously wait for the arrival of their loved ones, and help keep the children busy with arts & crafts.  For those who have ever experienced a military homecoming will know that just because the military says arrival is at 6:00am, they really mean 6:00pm! 

To view past Project Hugs events, click here.


Click here to sponsor our Project Hugs program


  Mail check payable to Homefront America
  27122 Paseo Espada., Suite 902
 San Juan Capistrano, CA  92675